Setting the security of a workspace is the best way to ensure what users of the space will be able to access what content. By default, all content inside any workspace is only available to logged in users, however, using this setting you can set if a workspace is visible to just users in the Users list, or to every user of the network.
Additionally, the PBworks Admins always have access to all the workspaces in the network. They cannot be blocked from joining any workspace on the network and their access of any workspace is at the Moderator level.
Private to the network:
Setting a workspace so that only people invited can view it is the best way to keep your data private. The workspace will not appear for any standard user in the "Workspaces" tab on the dashboard, and if they do try to access it directly through the URL they will get an access denied error message. PBworks Admins will be able to join the workspace, but they will have to perform an additional step to confirm the action, so that a PBworks does not accidentally join a workspace to their account.
Network users can join at will:
This is best to set for collaborative workspaces that you want to encourage other users to join. If you want to set up a workspace to handle documentation for example, set the workspace security so that anyone can join, but only give them the permission of "Reader" if they do join. This way, they'll be added to the Users list, so they will receive notifications of changes, but they won't be able to change or add any content.