To perform a search, just type the query in either field and hit enter or return on your keyboard.

The menu icon to the left of the search field can be expanded so you can select the exact kind of item to search. For example, if you know the item is a file, then select File from this menu before searching to narrow down the results.

Whichever search is used, the results are limited to only what the specific user is allowed to access. If a user does not have access to a specific page or file, then it will not appear in their search results. See our Security section to see how to limit access to content within your network. Only PBworks Admins and Moderators of individual workspaces can change security or permission.
What is indexed?
When you upload a text, Word, Excel, or PDF file to our service, an automated process in our system opens the file and reads the content, adding that content to the search index. This works for most files, however, if a file is encrypted, password protected, or uses proprietary formats that process can't recognize, then the content will not be indexed. Page content, that you get when you create a page on a workspace is in the PBworks format, and so it is always indexed.