


What is a network?


A Business Edition network is what associates all of your workspaces together.  Think of a network as the common meeting ground that all users will use to log in and authenticate their identity. Once logged in, users will only see the workspaces that are available to them.  By removing a user from a network, Administrators can immediately remove access from all associated workspaces.


For greater and finer controls over security, workspaces inside the network are entities that have their own security settings, users lists, tasks and milestones, and settings.  While the network handles the job of authenticating users and handling profile information, all pages, files, and tasks you create or upload are held inside workspaces and access to a workspace is determined by the workspace security settings and the users list.


Users can also be grouped together into user groups by network administrators.  Click here to learn more about creating user groups on a network.

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