Basic Network Settings



This section of the network settings should be a first stop for network administrators, as it contains basic set up information for the network.



PBworks Edition

This section of the setting panel lists the edition of PBworks you are using.


Network Name

This setting is the name of the network, which is listed in the top left of the navigation bar. You may want to change this to a company name.


Time Zone

This setting will choose the time zone for the workspace. If network users are across multiple timezones, you may want to either set the time to the most commonly used one, or use GMT.


Keyboard Language

Setting the keyboard language allows for the support of characters used in other languages. 


Default Notification Interval

          This setting allows you to set the email notification interval for all users of your network.  The interval can be changed manually by each user, but this is the interval that notifications will be sent for a new user who has never modified the notification interval on their own account.


Workspace Creation

          This setting allows you to restrict workspace creation to only the Network Administrators" of the network.  By default, this is enabled so all users of your network can create workspaces.