Workspace Level

Overview • SecurityWorkspace Level

Network Level
Workspace Level
Folder Level
Page or File Level



The Workspace Level is the second security layer that a user must pass in order to gain access to any content inside any workspace.  All security  and users that are defined at the workspace level are defined through the Workspace's settings. 


Accessing Workspace Level Security

To access the settings of any workspace, click on "Settings" tab on the workspace.



Changing a User's Permission Level on a Workspace


To change a user's permission level, simply select the permission level needed for the user.  Click the red minus marker to remove the user completely from the space.



There's no "Save" button to click to set a user's permission level.  It is immediately set to whatever is selected in the Settings.


Security Setting

The Security of the workspace is accessed by clicking "Security" on the left hand side, under access controls.


In the Workspace Security setting, you can set which kind of user on the network level can join the workspace.  If this setting is set to "Any network user can view this workspace" then you have the option of setting what role the user will receive if, while viewing, they decide to join.  By setting this to Reader, then all the contents of the workspace will be read-only for all network users. 



If this setting is set to "Only people I invite can view this workspace", then only people explicitly added to a workspace will be able to view it.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to click the "Save" button on the Workspace Security page if you change any of these settings.


Users Setting

There are five types of permission on the workspace level.   These roles reflect the permission that users have when it comes to accessing content.


  1. Moderator
  2. Editor
  3. Writer
  4. Reader
  5. Item Level Only


Below is a description of what each permission level can do:



Moderators of a workspace can see, edit, and change all content within a workspace, and have access to the workspace's settings.  Being a Moderator at the Workspace Level does not mean that a user has access to the settings of the network.  Internal Users who create workspaces in the network are automatically added as the Moderator at the workspace level. 


PBworks Admins can only be added as Moderators of any workspace. 



Editors have all the same access to the workspace as Moderators, except they have no access to the workspace's settings.  Editors of a workspace cannot add new users to the workspace or change the Workspace's Security settings (or any settings).  They are able to add and delete content from the workspace.



Writers have all the same access to the workspace as Editors, except they cannot delete any information from the workspace.  Writers can only add new pages and files to the workspace and edit existing ones. They are not able to delete content from the workspace. 



Readers can only view content in the workspace and download uploaded files.  They cannot upload new files, nor can they change any files on the workspace.  If you need content to be "Read-only" add the users to the workspace the content is in as "Reader".


Item-Level Only

Item-Level Only is the most narrow definition of Workspace security.  With Page Level Only, you're granting access for the user to log in, but the user has no access to any pages by default.  You must edit the custom security at either the Folder Level or the Page Level to allow them to have access.  This is best to use if you want to add a user, but only want to expose them to a very small amount of information on the workspace.



Going Deeper


These User permission levels only apply to the entire workspace as a whole.  However, you may need to have a single user be a Reader on the entire workspace, but a Writer on one specific page.  To set up something like this, you must set customized security on the Folder Level.