docs / Adding Users to a Network
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Adding Users to a Network

OverviewUsers Adding Users


Finding Members
Adding Users to a Network
Adding Members to a Workspace
Editing Profiles
Removing Members from a Workspace
Removing a User from a Network
Password Reset
Resend Invitation
Modifying Users
Network Roles
Using Groups
Group Management





Note: This process is only available to PBworks Admins should only be used to add new members to the network that have never used PBworks.  If, at the end of this process it fails to send an invite because they already have an account on the network, DO NOT DELETE the user account.  Instead, use this process to add members to the Members list of the workspace.



  1. In the first step, list the email addresses you want to invite.  You can invite one at a time, or list a group of them.  Please note, that if you're inviting users from outside your organization, it's best to add them separately.

    Click Next to go on to the next step.

  2. In the next step, select whether the users you are adding are going to be added as standard users (users within your organization) or as external users limited to a single workspace.  If you choose to add the users as an external user, you will only be able to add them to one workspace.

    When you select the workspace to add the users to, you'll have the option to set the permission level they will have on the workspace they are being added to.

  3. Finally, in the last step, add a personal message to go along with your invitation.