Using Groups

OverviewUsersUsing Groups


Finding Members
Adding Users to a Network
Adding Members to a Workspace
Editing Profiles
Removing Members from a Workspace
Removing a User from a Network
Password Reset
Resend Invitation
Promoting Users
Network Roles
Using Groups
Group Management


Note: Groups can be added to workspaces, just like any user on the network.  When you add a group to a workspace, each person in the group will be immediately added.  Additionally, users added by group can only be removed by removing the entire group.


Adding a group to a workspace



  1. First, click on the Members tab of the workspace.  If this tab is not available to you, then you may not be logged in with someone who has Moderator permission on the workspace.  Only workspace Moderators can add users or groups to the workspace.

  2. Click the "+" menu and select "Group".  If this link is not available, then there may not be any user groups defined.  For more information on setting up groups, click here.

  3. Choose one of the groups to add to the workspace.

  4. When you choose the group, you also need to choose the permission level the group will have on the workspace.  Then, click the "Add User Group" button.

  5. The users in the group will be added with the permission level selected.  If any users in the group were already in the user's list with a higher permission, their permission will remain unchanged.  If the user had a lower permission, their permission will be upgraded to the role you set in step 4.



Custom Security


  1. When you've added a group to a workspace, you can use that group to set custom security permissions on pages, files, and folders.  First, access the security of the page, file, or folder in the same way you always have (examples below).

  2. Choose custom security and then select the the group from the dropdown menu.  Click the Add Group button.
  3. When you add a group, all the members of the group will have the permission of the group by default.  In this example, all members of the Marketing group have the "Writer" permission.  By changing the entry for "Marketing" you can change the permission for the entire group, without setting each individual group member.

    You can also change permission of individual users in the group, provided the permission level you intend to set for them is higher.  In this example, John is set to "Editor" status, which is higher than the default group permission of Writer.  Because the group has a permission of "Writer" on this folder, this is the lowest permission that Susan can get on the page, file, or folder.  In order to change Susan's permission to Reader, you would need to set the Marketing group to Reader on this folder.