To set the color theme for your workspace, first, click the "Settings" tab at the top of the workspace, next to the Activity tab. If this tab does not appear for you, then you are not logged in as a Moderator on the workspace and cannot set or change the theme for the workspace.
Note: Workspace Moderators can customize their own themes and use them in multiple workspaces. There are no security settings surrounding themes and every workspace moderator is able to use any theme created inside any workspace in your network.
About Themes
The theme setting in the workspace settings is a way for Moderators to define the colors that will be used in the interface of the workspace. Moderators define three colors to be used and shades of those colors are used throughout the interface. This simple design allows users to easily define and share themes across the network that do not compromise the function of each workspace.
Select a Theme
When you first access the themes setting, you'll notice there are nine pre-built themes that exist in every network and are available for use in every workspace. Select the theme and click save to use that theme in the workspace.
Add a Theme
To create a theme, follow these steps in the Theme setting:
- Click the Add Theme button.
- Name your theme.
- Set the three colors you will use for your theme. You can either manually set an HTML color, or click the color wheel icon to use the color selector.
- Save the theme.
The new theme will be immediately available from the Themes setting.
Edit or Delete a Theme
As Moderator, you have the ability to edit themes that you have created for your workspaces. Simply click the "Edit" button above the theme to edit it. Themes that do not show an "Edit" link are unable to be modified by your account. The first nine themes are pre-built and cannot be modified by any user of PBworks. Once a theme is modified and saved, any workspace using that theme will change.
While editing an existing theme, there is a button to delete the theme altogether. If this button does not appear, then the theme has not yet been saved, so you simply need to cancel the theme creation in process.