Admin Personal Workspaces

OverviewAdminPersonal Workspaces


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There are two settings regarding personal workspaces, that PBworks Admins have access to.  The Garbage List is the list of personal workspaces where the user account has been deleted by a PBworks Admin.  Deleting a user account on a network does not delete the content of the personal workspace associated with that account.  The PBworks Admin can either view the workspace (and download the content), or delete the space entirely.


Important note:  Workspace deletions cannot be undone under any circumstances.  Only delete workspaces if you are absolutely sure you do not need any of the content.  PBworks is technically unable to restore any workspace that is purposefully deleted.  Our systemic backups can only be used in the event of a system failure.



The second area of the Personal Workspaces setting is where you can disable personal workspaces, if you don't want to give your users the option to use their own personal workspace.  A new personal workspace is created for every network user account that is created.  Users added as a guest user do not get their own personal workspace.


The default template selected in this setting is the workspace type that will be used when creating a personal workspace.  If you want to start your users off with some content specific to your organization, then create a workspace template with that content in it, and set that workspace template to be the template for your personal workspaces in this setting. 


You can also define the workspace collection where all personal workspaces can be viewed.  By default, personal workspaces are only visible to the user that owns them, but PBworks Admins can always see the content of any workspace (including personal worskpaces) within the network.   Users of personal workspaces can share content with other users, but they cannot add them to the personal workspace as an additional user.