The Workspace Summary is a general overview of the contents of the workspace that are dynamically displayed at the first page of the workspace. Rather than attempting to manually edit the first page of your workspace as content gets added, use the workspace summary to automatically generate a useful landing page for your users. The contents of the workspace summary bring together information from the settings of different areas of the product.
The summary can also be configured in the settings, to enable or disable certain elements. It's best to only enable the elements of the Workspace Summary tab which are most useful for your users, and disable the rest. When you disable all of the elements in either the right or left columns, the elements in the middle will flow to either the right or left side to take up the empty space.
The modules you enable in the settings of the workspace immediately take effect for all users. The display of the workspace summary cannot be customized on a per user basis for one workspace, but every workspace does have its own settings page, so not every workspace summary needs to be the same.
- Custom Logo
- Workspace Title
- Workspace Description
- Recent Activity buttons
- Links
- SideBar Page
- Banner
- Workspace Properties
- FrontPage
- Tasks
- Recent Uploads
- Recent Activity
- Recent Comments
- Workspace Users
- Custom Logo
The custom logo is the square logo which appears in the workspace card when viewing the workspace in the workspaces tab. This logo is set in the Branding setting of the workspace.
- Workspace Title
The Workspace Title is the text which is displayed in workspaces list, and in notifications. The workspace title is set in the Info setting of the workspace.
- Workspace Description
The workspace description is shown on the login screen when users are prompted to log in to a specific workspace. The workspace description is set in the Info setting of the workspace.
- Recent Activity buttons
These buttons are just quick links to modules 10-13. On first view, modules 10-13, due to the length of module number 9, maybe off screen, so your users can use these buttons to quickly scroll the page down. Only the activated modules (10-13) will be represented by buttons if this module is activated.
- Links
You can set up a few customized links to pages or content through this module. These links are set up on the Summary Tab settings of the workspace.
- SideBar Page
The SideBar page is a page that is created with every workspace, and if used can be displayed on every page view of your workspace. When you activate this module in the Summary Tab setting, you can choose to have the link available for editing right on the page, or keep it hidden so that only users that navigate to the SideBar page, and have permission on the workspace of Writer or Editor, will be able to edit it.
- Banner
The banner is only displayed on the workspace summary, and is defined in the Branding setting of the workspace.
- Workspace Properties
The workspace properties are first defined in the Admin panel of the workspace, and then applied to various workspaces in the network in the workspace properties setting. Activate this module to see which settings are applied to the workspace.
- FrontPage
By default, the first page of the workspace is named "FrontPage" but this can be renamed to whatever you need. Activate this module to show the contents of this page below the workspace properties.
- Tasks
This module shows the tasks of the workspace that are either late or due today. To see the complete task list, click the "Tasks" tab of the workspace.
- Recent Uploads
This module shows up to 12 recently uploaded files in gallery view. Click the "Files" tab of the workspace to see the complete file manager.
- Recent Activity
This module shows up to 12 recent actions on the workspace. Click the "Activity" tab of the workspace to see all of the recent activity. Please note that the activity listed in the activity stream is not the complete list of all actions ever taken on a workspace. While we keep all revisions of pages and files, only the last 100 actions on the workspace are logged in the activity stream.
- Recent Comments
This module shows the last 3 comments for all pages and files on the workspace. Task comments are not shown in this module.
- Workspace Users
This module can show all the users on the workspace, or can be configured in the Summary tab settings to only show workspace or network administrators. If you need to quickly show who is in charge of a workspace, use this module.