Changing the Home Tab



Finding Your PBworks Admin
Changing the Home Tab






The default content of the the Admin tab is shown if the Home tab URL setting of the network is NOT set.  Once you've created a page on any workspace that will serve as the content for the Home tab, copy the complete URL (web address) of this page and  follow these steps to set it.


Note:  If the URL you are placing in this setting is a page within PBworks, then it MUST be a direct link to a workspace page to function.  The only URLs from PBworks that can be embedded into the Home Tab are URLs with "/w/page" inside them.


  1. If you have access to the Admin tab of your network, then you are a PBworks Admin.  You can access these settings by appending /n/settings to your network's URL:

  2. Next, click the Network Menu option:

  3. Finally, click the Home Button in the left column and in the right column.
  4. Select the Republished Page instead of Default Home and choose the page with the content you want displayed as the home content. Click Save changes to set the page.













If you have access to the Admin tab of your network, then you are a PBworks Admin.  You can access these settings by appending /n/settings to your network's URL: