docs / Copying a Report
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Copying a Report

OverviewReportsCopying a Report


Report Basics 
Sharing a Report
Saving a Report
Downloading a Report
Copying a Report
Deleting a Report



Note: Modifying, saving, downloading as a CSV files, renaming, and creating your own reports are part of a paid module not included in a standard Business Edition license.  Contact or call 415.963.4369 for details.


Duplicating or copying a report will copy the filter and column order set on a report.  You may want to do this when you want to change the filters on one report, without modifying the original report for others.  To duplicate or copy a report, select "Save as New" under the Report Options menu.  You will also be prompted to give the report a new name (with the original name automatically filled in).  Make sure you give the new report a relevant name or description for what the copy will be used for.



Since you are the creator of any report you copy, you will have full rights to modify, rename, or delete the copy of the report.  Of course, like pages and files, any changes made to a copy of a report will not impact the original report.